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时间:2022-03-30 09:57:59  浏览次数:


关键词 钩枝藤;生物碱;斜纹夜蛾;毒杀活性;抑制生长发育

中图分类号 S481.1 文献标识码 A

Insecticidal Activity of the Alkaloids from Ancistrocladus

tectorius Against the Larvae of Spodoptera litura

WANG Jun1, YAN Chao2, CAI Caihong1, FENG Gang2, ZHANG Jing2 *, DAI Haofu1 *

1 Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory

of Biology and Genetic Resources of Tropical Crops, Ministry of Agriculture / Hainan Key Laboratory for Research

and Development of Natural Products from Li Folk Medicine, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China

2 Environment and Plant Protection Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, Haikou, Hainan 571101, China

Abstract The insecticidal activity of the total alkaloids and its 3 compounds[(1): Ancistrocline,(2): 5′-O-demethylhamatintine,(3): N-methylphylline]of Ancistrocladus tectorius against the larvae of Spodoptera litura were discussed for the development of new type of botanical pesticides. The toxicity of the total alkaloids to the 3rd instar larvae of S. litura was determined by insect-dip method. The toxicity of 3 compounds to the larvae of S. litura was tested by diet-incorporation. The results indicated that the total alkaloids of A. tectorius had strong toxic effect on the 3rd instar larvae and the LC50 values of 3 d and 5 d was 2.61 mg/mL and 0.91 mg/mL respectively. The growth of newly hatched instar larvae of S. litura was also inhibited by the three compounds. The compound(2)had the strongest inhibition effects with pupation rate 23.33% and eclosion rate 13.33%, which was significantly lower than those of control(pupation rate 90.00%, eclosion rate 86.67%).

Key words Ancistrocladus tectorius; Alkaloids; Spodoptera litura; Insecticidal activity; Growth and development inhibition

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2015.09.017

斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura Fabricius)属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)、夜蛾科(Noctuidae),是世界重要的农业害虫之一。以幼虫取食寄主植物的果实、花、叶等,寄主植物多达99科290多种[1]。在我国淮河以北间歇性发生为害,淮河以南常年发生为害。在大田栽培作物中主要为害棉花、大豆、烟草、甘薯、花生等[2];而在蔬菜中则以十字花科蔬菜和水生蔬菜受害最为严重。近年来,斜纹夜蛾在各地大发生的频率明显提高,且呈上升趋势[3-5]。由于化学药剂的施用造成环境污染和害虫耐药性的问题,新型天然、高效、安全的物质被用来开发杀虫剂已成为一种必然趋势。

推荐访问: 夜蛾 生物碱 幼虫 毒杀 斜纹